Geek Capital

#KJKSocials #KJKMoments

A perfect mash-up of
Work, Pray, Play

At KJK, our talents are our greatest assets, and that is why we created a great working environment to support relaxation and productive work.

A typical day at the office begins with prayer, and then everyone goes to setup his or her space for work. It is not uncommon to hear banters every now and then, as we like operate an open office system. At KJK Africa, our work culture is influenced by these principles: Competence, Creativity, Structure , and Growth . The excellence of our service is the motivation and dedication of our people to offer our customers the best service. We would love to give you the same devotion and service.

Corporate Social Responsibility

At KJK, our Corporate Social Responsibilities are mentorship and free web development service to NGO’s. Every quarter, we organize free classes to teach selected students in-demand web development programmes. Also, we provide internship opportunities to aspiring individuals with credible IT skills.

Social Friday

On Friday, we kick off the weekend with social activities, themed TGIF (Thank God Its Friday). Social Friday is always packed with fun activities such as; karaoke, scrabble, chess, and more.